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Teaching Development

Teaching Philosophy

One of the things I have enjoyed most during my career has been the opportunity to teach and mentor undergraduate students. My experiences in the classroom as both an instructor and student have given me insight into the things I love most about learning and the teacher that I strive to be. Read more...


During the spring semester of 2019 I took the course Teaching College Science (ISE 870) at Michigan State University. The course focused on the theory behind how student's learn science, and the theory and practice of student-centered teaching in undergraduate science courses. The course provided the opportunity to practice curriculum design, the design and implementation of interactive lessons within the classroom, and the development of effective summative assessments for science courses. Read more...


During May of 2018 I participated in a two day workshop series related to undergraduate education. The workshop topics included: "Creating Effective Learning Environments",  "Incorporating Technology in your Teaching", and "Understanding the University Context". The workshops provided valuable information related to enhancing student learning and participation through the use of group work and technological tools, as well as how to better structure courses for the student audience based on the university context. Read more...

Teaching Project

During the fall semester of 2018 I developed a teaching project to implement within the laboratory class I was teaching (you can learn more about the class here). During the project I added clicker questions to a traditional introductory lab lecture to assess how this affects student engagement and understanding of important themes for each lab. Read more...

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